Hey girls, still struggling to get perfect hairstyle today’s party? I know that not all girls can make those fancy buns. Making amazing hairdos, or decorating else’s hair locks is an expertise that only a few girls are blessed with. But after practicing for a long time, you will be able to braid your hair with attractive designs. Till the time, you can use this easy trick for faking a fancy braid. The only thing you need to make this braid is lots of rubber bands. So, get some rubber bands and have a look at an amazing fake fuller braid tutorial to do it by yourself.
First of all Brush Your Hairs To Make it Tangle Free

After brushing straighten it with a flat iron if it is curly. If you wish to use the flat iron, you should protect the hair with thermal protector first, in order to prevent any heat damage of the hair.
Now Tie Your Hair Into High Ponytail
Comb and tie the hair into a high ponytail on the midsection. If you wish, you can hide the hair band with wrapping hair locks on a rubber band.
Then Divide The Strand in Two Parts!
Now, take two strands from under the tail and tie them above the tail. Same way take another two strands and tie the underthe first knot.
And, Then Keep Tying The Ponytails Until You Reach End
Now pull the strands of the ponytails a little bit to create puff effect of the tail Spray the tail with hair spray to tame the flying hairs.