Have you not been gorging on the fast food and candy for a long time as well as delicately working out regularly yet you aren’t able to lose those extra pounds? Are you just tired of trying out everything? I can completely understand what you are feeling these days. Did you know that each one of us has some or other peculiar habit that contributes to weight gain? Ah yes, you read that right.
Well, most of the people out there just don’t understand that their normal morning habits can thwart them from getting the body of their dreams. With some research, I have been successful in finding out some the morning habits that one should give up to accomplish their weight loss goals. Scroll down to read them in detail:
1. You Sleep Too Much

With very less sleep, your body is more likely to release the stress-response hormone cortisol which suddenly increases your appetite. Nevertheless, slumbering for too long is not good for you either. According to a recent study carried out by PLOS One journal, snoozing for more than 10 hours a night can result in a higher body mass index. It’s no miracle that doctors vouch for getting 7 to 9 hours of siesta every day.
2. You Get Ready In The Dark

You must open the roller blinds or curtains instantly after waking up. As per the estimates, it has been discovered that the blue light waves from the early morning sun lift your metabolic rate and aid your body to get geared up for the day. Even 20 to 30 minutes of sunshine is enough to impact your body mass index.
3. You Don’t Make Your Bed

It may sound a bit bizarre, but it’s the fact. A research conducted by the US National Sleep Foundation discovered that individuals who told that they make their beds also testified better sleep relatively to others. After all, sound sleep is the best way toward a healthy weight.
4. You Forget To Measure Your Weight

A team of researchers from Cornell University have come forward with the fact that daily weighing is an effective technique that raises your spirits to weight loss. The best time to stamp on the scale is first thing in the morning before eating or drinking anything. As you lose water weight overnight, you will get the most exact number in the morning.
5. You Eat Too Less For Breakfast

As per the latest research conducted by Tel Aviv University, it has been brought to light that one should pamper himself/herself with an appetizing meal every morning. In actual fact, a balanced breakfast that comprises of near about 600 calories include lean protein, carbohydrates, and some dessert course will make it simple for you to follow your day-to-day diet plan.